Polystyrene compound is a hard, rigid and transparent synthetic resin that is produced from the polymerization of styrene, which is one of the polymer raw materials. Polystyrene is used in the food service industry as rigid trays, disposable dinnerware, and foam cups, plates, and bowls.
Application of polystyrene compound
In cases such as protective packaging (such as packing peanuts, jewelry boxes and optical discs), containers, lids, bottles, trays, glasses, disposable knives and forks and alternative material for making gramophone records, etc. It is applicable.
Polystyrene compound has a uniform texture in terms of variety and distribution and has a good balance between hardness, toughness and impact resistance. It is also produced in the form of granules and has a white color.
Polystyrene compound can also be mixed with other polymers to add stiffness and strength to important plastic and rubber materials. Polystyrene is one of the raw materials of plastic, and due to its low production cost, ease of shaping the melted polymer in injection molding operations, and its optical and physical properties, it is widely used and has become one of the modern plastics.
Polystyrene compound is actually a combination of polystyrene raw materials, coloring materials and reinforcement, which increases its properties and desirable properties. This product has high resistance to shock and impact. The difference between compound and masterbatch in their properties can be such that the compound can be used directly without the need for another use, but the masterbatch is added as an additive to the base polymers.
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